AiM MyChron

The MyChron 5S and MyChron 5S2T are the bestselling GPS Kart lap timers globally, for both hobby and professional drivers, it gives you what you need.

AiM MyChron

The all-new, revolutionary AIM MyChron 5S is our latest game-changing kart dash data logger for Kart Racing. 

What’s New?

  • The GPS frequency has been increased from 10 to 25 Hz.
  • Precision accuracy has improved from about 5 feet (1.5 m) to 2 feet (45 cm on average). Which is a massive improvement for AIM Karting dash.
  • It offers 1 Temperature Sensor besides sampling all your kart data.
  • Features all the advantages of a new concept GPS.
  • Plus a lot of new functions, designed to provide the best complete and reliable information found in a karting Dash.