This FIA 8860-2010 approved The Stilo ST5F N ZERO 8860 helmet comes without any side ports and without any fitted microphones or electronics. The removal of the side ports offer a sleeker more aerodynamic profile. It is the lightest helmet on the market to have passed the demanding FIA 8860-2010 standard. The very best materials (high tensile carbon) and the very best building techniques (autoclave moulding), together with the use of a EPS (expandable polystyrene), combine to achieve an exceptionally light weight helmet with very high safety standards. Designed for racing in open top cars the helmet comes as standard with a full visor, although a short sun shade is available as an option making it ideal for use in a saloon or GT racing.
Stilo ST5F N ZERO 8860 – This helmet is not fitted with any electronics or side ports. Factory fitted FHR (Hans) posts. Weight: small shell 1200±30g, large shell 1300±30g
Included with the helmet: YA0823 front spoiler, YA0623 rear spoiler, YA0801 light smoke visor, YA0802 dark smoke visor, YA0820 tear-off kit and a YY0016 professional helmet and Hans bag.
Other features Include:
- Earmuffs: Available as a separate option (see ‘have you also considered’ section)
- Double Shell: Two different shell sizes: small (XS, S, M and L), large (XL and XXL).
- Optional: Air intakes, visors, short sun screen visor, top air system and frontal drinking system.
If part electronics (built in microphone and ear plug connection) with a full face visor are required, please consider the ST5 F Zero helmet.
FIA 8860-2010 & Snell SA2015 Approved